Monday, 25 June 2012

Hugh's final touches to Local Types

Hugh at work
Hugh Bryden is putting the finishing touches to the Local Types exhibition this week. Thomas Tosh customers have been leaving  suggestions of nicknames to be added to the wall over the past few weeks. Hugh will be putting the last of these up. And this coming Saturday (30th June), he'll be launching the pamphlet of the exhibition. It's filled with his great visualisations of nicknames, and will be a memento once the exhibition disappears forever after the 14th July. The pamphlet launch is at 3pm.

written by Paul O'Keeffe

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Ronald Turnbull's New Book

Local author Ronald Turnbull will be bringing to life the fierce history of some of the finest glens and valleys  in the region next Tuesday (12th June) at Thomas Tosh in Thornhill. 

Ronald will be launching his new book on the historic and violent background of what he calls 'the Battle Valleys'. He'll give a talk with accompanying slide show, and will take part in a question & answer session. 

Entry is free. The event starts at 7.30pm and there's a licensed bar with refreshments. Copies of the new book, priced £16.99 will be available to buy. And Ronald will be happy to sign editions.