Friday, 26 April 2013

Mary Bromilow Book Launch

Alexa Rutherford's cover illustration
Mary Bromilow will be launching her new book Nan's Rabbit tomorrow at Tosh (Saturday 27th April) from 10.30am-12.30pm. She will be joined by Alexa Rutherford, who has illustrated this story for children.

Mary doesn't shy from the often tough realities of young life on a farm. She says:

"The tale is largely autobiographical, and I remember the day and the experiences very clearly.

The story is for any child who loves animals, and who can find it hard to come to terms with the apparent cruelty of nature and the seemingly hard hearted attitudes of adults."

Don't worry, despite reality rearing its head, this rabbit tale has a happy ending. This is Mary's second book launch at Tosh.  Her previous, the factual The Clydesdale about that horse breed,  was a great success. So good luck to Mary and Alexa on another winning streak with their children's story. Paul